Nominated to the Great Award of Brazilian Cinema 2021, from the Brazilian Academy of Cinema, in the short film category for “The Last Romantics of The World”, Henrique Arruda is a gay filmmaker born in Recife, Pernambuco, who works in the fields of scripting, directing, and art direction. He has a five short films of his own, that have won over 60 awards combined and been shown in over 100 exhibition screens all over the world.
凭借《世界上最后的浪漫主义者》(The Last Romantics of The World)获得巴西电影学院颁发的 2021 年巴西电影大奖短片类提名。
Henrique Arruda 是一名同性恋电影制片人,出生于伯南布哥州累西腓市,从事剧本创作、导演和艺术指导工作。他自己制作的五部短片共获得 60 多个奖项,并在世界各地的 100 多个银幕上放映。
Amor By Night
Living alone in her capsule, Sharlene Amor Valente is the most heard voice in the galaxy, from midnight to three in the morning. Prepare your heart, your memory, and free yourself: it's in the air: Amor By Night.
夏琳-阿莫尔-瓦伦特独自住在自己的太空舱里,从午夜到凌晨三点,她是银河系中最响亮的声音。准备好你的心、你的记忆,释放你自己:它就在空气中: 爱神之夜